Thursday, August 2, 2012

Resurrection of the Church.

No one can tell God How to proceed in carrying out His Purpose.  The How belongs to God, unless God Himself reveals it.

The First Major Part of the Vision for the Transformation of the Nations is the Resurrection of the Church.  Has God revealed anything in His Word about Him Raising Up His people, The Church, for Transforming the Nations of this world into the Kingdom of God?  The Answer is Yes, He Has.  Here are some passages of Scripture.  2 Chron. 6, 7; Ez. 37; Rev. 2, 3; Is. 59, 60; Eph. 1: 15-23; 2: 3-7; Jn. 14:10-14; Lk. 10: 19; 11:22.

Unceasing Prayer

God's Remnant in the earth Must Give themselves to Unceasing Prayer.  God does have a remnant in the earth.  In every nation, in every community wherever the Church has been planted, a remnant remains.  A Great responsibility rests on this remnant. 

The greatTertullian said to the Roman Emperor of his day, "The world itself stands by the prayers of the Christians."  This is particullarly true of God's Remnant.  They are the ones whom God will hear, and to whose prayers He will respond.  So when the Church becomes a valley of dry bones, God's remnant must cry out to Him unceasingly.  The remnant could be One.

The prayers of the Remnant must be informed by the state of God's people as God Himself sees it.  It must include Mighty Intercession for God to intervene to manifest His purpose.  It must taken account of the fact that Satan weakens churches and nations, and that therefore they must engage in spiritual warfare of the highest order to defeat the enemy, and move him out of the way so that God's kingdom may come and His will be done.

A frequently quoted Scripture is 2 Chronicles 7: 14.  God's people must Humble themselves.  This is a challenge.  When we look at churches today, humility does not seem to be a general characteristic, especially among the leadership of churches.  The opposite seems to be the case, Pride, Self Elevation, self Agrandisement, and Haughtiness, the very things that God hates.  We must first Humble Ourselves before we can Pray.

Then, and here is another difficult thing.  We Must Turn from our wicked ways.  In other words, we must Repent.  We are familiar with the letters to the Seven churches inRev. 2 and 3.  The Lord Himself was moving among the Churches.  He knew what their condition was in each case.  Each letter is written to 'The Angel of the Church.'
Who is that?  Is that the writer's way of referring to the pastor, or the bishop, or the apostle?  Who ever he is, the letter is written to him, and the condition described in the letter refers to him.  It is singular all along.

The leaders of two of the churches meet with the Lord's approval.  The leaders of the other five do not.  The Lord has something against him, the angel of the church.  Then, the Lord calls on the angel of each of those five churches to Repent.  Turn from his wicked ways.  The whole church needs to repent.  But according to these letters, Repentance must start with the Leaders.

So then, we have two major conditions necessary for a church to be Raised Up
Resurrected to Newness of Life.  There must be humility, ans there must be Repentance, wholehearted turning away from sin, and turning to God.  No  church, and no individual in any church is going to be Raised Up if these conditions are not met.  Ask why is it that many churches in our time are not experiencing the Resurrection power of God.  Because the  people, especially the leadership refuse to humble themselves, and because they refuse to repent.

Church people who refuse to humble themselves before God, and who refuse to repent, are deceiving themselves.  They are saying, "I am O.K."  "I am righteous."  If they continue long enough in this deception, they will become blind, and we will end uo with the blind leading the blind.  Both will fall into the pit.  We cannot truly pray if we are unwilling to be humble and to repent.  It is those who Humble Themselves and Repent that the Lord will Raise Up As His New People.

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